
Dr. Yogiraj Karambelkar
6 min readJan 30, 2023

For those who are like me and just question about what is out there, this blog is for you guys. I like to listen to this music while star gazing, i recommend you to listen to thing music and read the blog….

After a long hectic day, to cool my mind, I sit under the sky and just look into the oblivion, thinking “what exactly is the scale out there and how are the things working up?” The Cosmos is a HUGE place, and by huge, I mean pretty huge; to put things into perspective, imagine you being an ant, and what an elephant is to you? A huge walking chunk of meat with size only you can imagine of! Thats how huge is the cosmos to us right? But when you really think of it, its much more huge than that. Its like an endless ocean, where if you dive into it, you will learn and understand the beauty of it, and the more you learn, the more you will see that its the most beautiful peace of art and history that exists around you which is untouched and yet so perplexing that your mind just literally “blows”. As Carl Sagan rightly said “the pale blue dot” that is exactly how things are in the universe with respect to each other.

A small spec of dust, with all the rumblings, all the chaos, all the generation, all the noise, all the worries, all of the destruction happening in the vastness fabric of giants and dwarfs that just exists in the ocean of artistic colorful balance of pure CHAOS called the COSMOS.

We all wake up in the morning with a hope that we will see something new, with the mentality that its just another day with the same routine, but in reality its just the opposite. What you see as “day” is nothing but just a ball of gas suspended in the space. The real situation is that ‘its always night up there’ its all pitch black with a few glowing balls that create a sense of illumination. But its the same ball of gas that decides if you live or you die.

The cosmos is so big and unimaginable, that you will find masterpieces that are just beyond re-creation by any means. For me, Saturn is the most beautiful planet to exist out there. A ball of gas, light enough to float in your bathtub, but so huge that it spans 26,000,000 kms, yet so delicate that its rings are constantly changing their shape. Small moons in between the rings of Saturn create waves which are so elegant that its like a small beach which you can visit if you live on the small 20km diameter moon.

Saturn’s waves.

But approximately 2700 light years away, there exists a planet which is on a whole another level. 16.1 million years old, and 640 times the length of Saturn, a planet named J1407b, is the boss of the ringed planets. Its so huge that it would be visible to naked eyes 24x7. It would totally disrupt the entire solar system and eradicate what little life is on earth.

j1407b visualization

But its not always about these planets what is intriguing, the Stars that hold them in place are much, much big. They just never seem to stop growing and yet they are nothing compared to black holes. For example, if you take a look at UY Scuti, its so huge that our sun looks like a small “dot” in front of it.

The real radius of UY scuti is 1.168 billion km, and mind you, its just the radius, not even the diameter, and if you were to fly in an aero plane with a speed of 500km/hr with unlimited supply of fuel, it would take you 1000 years or more to complete a quarter of the star. Yet this giant is tiny compared to goliaths which are present, and that goliath isn't even a star, its a black hole.

Presenting you TON 618, the largest known and discovered black hole. It is literally the definition of “goliath”. Imagine you draw a circle of size 10cm on a paper, the small ‘dot’ in the center of the circle, that ‘dot’ represents the entire solar system with earth orbiting around the sun, its that big.

Light from 12 million light years is reaching us now, and yet majority of the universe is unseen. There may exists many more civilizations out there with same thoughts and thinking that “what is it that is exactly out there”. Well it is the constant creation which takes place in the destruction going on out in the cosmos. A star which bursts into a supernova, creates a cloud of dust called nebula, and its this nebula which creates new stars, and new stars create new planet holding spaces which may harbour life in their own habitable zones.

pillars of creation

This is the “pillars of creation”. A part of nebula which is a star creating factory. Numerous stars are forming in the remnant of a dead star which will harbor new planets, may create their new planets with the dust remaining or capture a rouge planet, but they might support life.

A small question which made me think of why ‘rotation of earth is important’. And the answer is so amazing that it just shows how much of a great impact a small thing can do in the universe. Its like a cascade of dominoes, one small push and its all CHAOS.

Who knows, may be someone like me is writing a blog on the same topic with the same intention of thinking that “is there life out there”. As the famous quote says “either we are alone in this universe or not, and both are terrifying”. The cosmos is just an endless topic of discussion for me as it never ceases to amaze me, its constantly evolving every second, by every passing minute, we see something new, and its this ingenuity which fills me up with more and more curiosity that ‘what if, there are things which……..’ and the list of theories goes on.

One question which I always have is “can black holes support lives?” Let me know your answers and questions or your opinions about cosmos, or even your theories.

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Dr. Yogiraj Karambelkar

Doctor by profession. Artist by Hobby. Any Questions you can ask on instagram @_dr.yogiraj_ Follow our instagram page @creativesparkblogs